Fam trip to the area of Epirus. Thirty tour operators and travel agents from various got to know the area of Epirus (Ioannina, Zagoria, Sivota etc)
5th B2B Travel Event Thessaloniki 2016. Greek tourism professionals met tour operators and travel agents from 12 countries.
Road trip in Milan and Bergamo. Greek hotels’ presentations to Italian tour operators & travel agents.
Workshop in Amsterdam. B2B meetings between Greek tourism professionals and Dutch tour operators and travel agents.
Workshop in Brussels. B2B meetings between Greek tourism professionals and Belgian tour operators and travel agents.
Organization/coordination of the Β2Β meetings’ program between the Greek exhibitors and the tour operators and travel agents from Turkey and other countries
Οργάνωση workshop στη Βιέννη με Β2Β συναντήσεις ανάμεσα σε έλληνες επιχειρηματίες του τουρισμού και Αυστριακούς tour operators & travel agents
Event to present Greek Hotels and Greek tourism destinations to Bulgarian Tour Operators and Travel Agents
Respond On Demand presents Greek hotels at London!
Greek hotels were presented to tour operators and travel agents at Brussels!